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Dr. Gordon Hasick
Dr. Janet Major
Dr. Sloane Hunter
Dr. Jordan Ausmus
Muscle Balance and Function Development® Philosophy

       The human body responds, develops, and is maintained according to basic neurological and biomechanical principles. However, when the body experiences an accident, surgery, trauma, chronic over use or even the lack of purposeful physical activity apparent in today's lifestyles, structural compensations (misalignments) and weaknesses almost always occur to some degree. This process in turn causes the premature breakdown of our musculoskeletal systems, making them susceptible to injury, reducing performance and quality of life and prolonging recovery. Left untreated, these compensations and weaknesses can lead to further misalignment.
The Muscle Balance and Function Development® System is a unique method of restoring function to the human body. It is a principle-based system grounded in the fundamentals of physics and biomechanics. Postural realignment is accomplished by applying a progression of properly sequenced exercises that have been systematically oriented toward each client's unique needs. These exercises retrain the neuromuscular system and the biomechanical systems of the body, reminding each muscle of the function it was designed to perform. The exercises require minimal equipment and can be performed almost anywhere.   

For Health Care Providers
         The MBF® System promotes responsibility on the part of the practitioner and the patient. This method requires the health care professional to look beyond the symptom and seek the cause of any physical disorder. For more info click here: Scientific Application