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Dr. Gordon Hasick
Dr. Janet Major
Dr. Sloane Hunter
Dr. Jordan Ausmus
Massage Therapy
Massage releases chronic tension and pain in muscles, improves circulation increases flexibility in the joints, and reduces mental and physical fatigue.

Chronic Pain and Massage
Chronic pain saps your energy and takes an emotional toll. Overtime, pain can become a vicious cycle with a life of its own, sometimes persisting even after the original cause is resolved.

Discover the Craniosacral System
We are all familiar with the cardiovascular and respiratory rhythms. Like them, another body rhythm - the Craniosacral system - influences many body functions.

Lymphatic Drainage
Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) takes traditional lymph drainage techniques and adds a level of precision consistent with recent scientific discoveries.

Active Release Therapy
ART is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue system that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

Sports Massage
Many people seek massage therapy regularly to help them perform their best and reach their personal goals.

Hot Stone Therapy
It loosens sore or tense muscles, greatly reduces stress and also increases healing through better blood flow.

Healing Touch
The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmony to our energy systems, placing us in a position to self heal.

Massage for Senior Years
With regular massage therapy you can even improve your ability to relax on your own.

Bowen Technique
The original Bowen Technique is extremely gentle and is considered appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies, the frail and the elderly.

Muscle Balance and Function Development
       The human body responds, develops, and is maintained according to basic neurological and biomechanical principles.

Neuromuscular Therapy
        Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation techniques that balance the central nervous system (brain, spinal column and nerves) with the structure and form of the musculoskeletal system.

Yoga Therapy
Therapeutic yoga helps clients get out of pain by helping them relearn tension free movement and breathing patterns.
Click on the links below for more information on the following modalities: